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Kage Okami Web Application Penetration Testing
Web Application Penetration Testing (WPT)

Go Beyond The Top 10

Business Logic is the heart of every application. While we take careful examination and exploitation of common threats, our extended focus is on bringing you added value by identifying your biggest adversarial threats, enacting their tactics (by industry) and taking the path least traveled.

Case Study

One To Rule Them All

The Capital One hack in 2019 stands out as a significant web application compromise, where a former Amazon employee exploited a misconfigured Web Application Firewall to access and steal data on over 100 million consumers. 


Identify Future Problems Now

In choosing Kage Okami, you'll benefit from our unparalleled expertise, customized assessments, and comprehensive reports, empowering your organization to fortify defenses, minimize risk, and maintain a competitive edge in today's increasingly complex web landscape. 

Industry Standards and Innovation

Methodologies You Can Trust

We use well known and global industry standards and frameworks to ensure our attack pathologies are digestible and create a map for technical professionals at all levels to follow post engagement. Additionally, these frameworks give us foundations to innovate off of to create new threats keeping our engagement tactics revolving and fresh.

MITRE ATT&CK Framework

A comprehensive matrix of tactics, techniques, and procedures used by threat actors, providing cybersecurity professionals with a detailed blueprint for understanding, detecting, and defending against cyber attacks.

NIST SP 800-53

NIST Special Publication 800-53 provides a broad set of security and privacy controls for federal information systems and organizations, aimed at ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information technology assets.

Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) ASVS

OWASP ASVS offers a robust framework for securing web applications, detailing a wide array of security and privacy controls designed to protect web environments from evolving cyber threats and vulnerabilities.

The Skill Gap

Advancing Industry Standard Testing Procedures

The most common compromises occur due to basic misconfigurations however, we find that more exotic exploitation vectors are less taken or talked about due to their difficulty to explain or triage on success. 

We Love The Challenge

Our engagements are tailored to the programming languages involved and not only look for common vulnerabilities. We take a deep dive into vulnerabilities with high complexity and low success. We pride ourselves on examining applications from multiple perspectives. It only takes one hole to gain vision into a fortress.

Kage Okami Web Application Penetration Testing Services (WPT)
Kage Okami Cyber Security Services

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As cyber threats become more sophisticated, our targeted web application penetration testing service emerges as your essential shield, delivering custom security solutions that address your unique vulnerabilities. 

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